Here are some commonly asked questions by people curious about Project Hepius, just like you are!
Is Project Hepius Safe?
Project Hepius is more than safe; it is restorative, it is rejuvenating, it is revolutionary! Ask a medical professional to see if you are an able candidate to install Project Hepius today!
Will I always be connected to the Hepius Network?
If you are a Project Hepius user, you will always have access to the Hepius Network! You can connect in seconds to any other user on the Hepius Network and will receive updates to your Project Hepius operating system, including the latest security features!
I am a Project Hepius user, and I sometimes have a metallic bitter taste in my mouth?
Luckily, this issue has been resolved since Operating System v3. Please connect to the Hepius Network and update your Project Hepius firmware!
What do I do if there is no Apollo Labs authorized installation locations near me?
Apollo Labs has a fleet of agents ready to work with any local surgery-equipped clinics and hospitals to grant them certification and authorization to perform Project Hepius installations. If your local surgery is not authorized, contact your doctor and ask them to reach out to Apollo Labs so we can make arrangements for you!